Excalibur RetrievalWare™ delivers new benchmarks of power and performance for knowledge retrieval systems, delivering competitive advantages throughout every level of the enterprise.

    For users, Excalibur solutions provide unprecedented levels of accuracy, speed and ease of use. RetrievalWare™ gives users the ability to quickly extract knowledge from large collections of information -- in any form, from any source -- using simple natural language queries and queries-by-visual-example.

    For integrators, developers and IS administrators, Excalibur RetrievalWare™ enables easy-to-implement solutions built on a single, open architecture. Supporting multi-processor, multi-threaded servers, RetrievalWare™ reliably scales to handle massive volumes of data and thousands of users across secure intranets and the World Wide Web. RetrievalWare™ provides robust security controls, while fully leveraging the inherent advantages of Internet-based (TCP/IP) architecture with its "thin clients and fat servers," providing cost-effective, easily-administered solutions and rapid return on investment.

    For the enterprise, Excalibur solutions deliver breakthrough levels of productivity for knowledge workers, significantly reducing time wasted looking for information while increasing time spent using information. By providing an intelligent interface that seamlessly connects users to the full spectrum of enterprise knowledge assets -- from scanned paper documents, real time information streams (such as email and newsfeeds), and word processor documents, to legacy databases and multimedia libraries -- RetrievalWare™ unleashes the power and potential of today's distributed intranet/internet technology.

    Excalibur RetrievalWare™ delivers a unified family of software components for building high-performance knowledge retrieval solutions that provide the unique and powerful advantages of APRP™ and Semantic Networks. These core technologies have redefined the performance standards for enterprise information retrieval by enabling easy to use, easy to implement, content-based retrieval for the entire spectrum of digital information.

  • Excalibur RetrievalWare™
  • Excalibur Visual RetrievalWare™
  • Excalibur EFS® Electronic Filing Software

    Related Information:
  • Excalibur Worldwide Professional Services

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